From the Vicar - Candlemas 2014
This note is written at Candlemas, forty days after the birth of Jesus, when we can look back, upon Christmas and Epiphany, and forwards towards Lent and Holy Week.
It is a time to perhaps take breath, reflect upon our own lives - where we have travelled, where we are now, and to remind ourselves that the future is in God’s hands.
For some, travelling with Jesus might mean major life changes, for others it is the fulfillment of a lifetime search, for most people, it is a mixture of both. Candlemas, in one sense, marks the true end of the Christmas / Epiphany Seasons and points us already, towards Lent and Easter.
To remember what old Simeon said, we will bless candles in Church for people, and so provide a focus for prayer.
Some useful information follows, from a contributor to our Newsletter, about Candlemas, which we will celebrate at our Holy Eucharist on 2nd February.
By the way – how are the New Year Resolutions working out!