Wednesday, 6 March 2013

March newsletter

From the Vicar                                                                                            
Lent 2013

This week we have celebrated the life and work of our own St David and his role, with those other Welsh Saints of the sixth century, including our own Dyfnog.

 Whilst there aren’t many  facts about Dewi Sant, here are some:
  • He really existed
  • He was at the heart of the Welsh church in the 6th century
  • He came from an aristocratic family in West Wales
  • His mother was Saint Non
  • His teacher was Saint Paulinus
  • He founded a large monastery in west Wales
  • He was one of the early saints who helped to spread Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of Western Britain
  • He became Archbishop of Wales, but remained in his community at Menevia
  • His shrine became a great place of pilgrimage; four visits to the shrine at St David’s were considered the equivalent of two to Rome, and one to Jerusalem!

We can all be very proud of being part of an ever developing nation here in Wales and yet
also be  ready to play our own distinctive part as Christian people in our world.

We move through Lent towards the events of Holy Week at the end of the month, pausing next week for Mothering Sunday.

When Easter Day arrives we will need to find some special words to try and describe what happened on that day – words like astonished and astounded, awestruck and amazed as it was all so dazzling and incredible.  


Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child has now delivered 100 million shoe boxes.  More than 2,700 boxes went this year from Denbighshire to children in Belarus, Bosnia, Kenya and Serbia.  Our boxes go to a processing centre in Wrexham before departure.  Organisers of Operation Christmas Child are hoping that, despite the recession and hardship, people will continue to support these needy children.  Remember, for many of the children who receive these gifts they will be the first they have ever received.  A simple gift, packed with love, can communicate hope to children worldwide.