Tuesday, 30 April 2013

“Go therefore … make disciples … teaching them … I am with you always”

May newsletter - from the Vicar. Ascension 2013.

Spring is now evident wherever we look - the countryside is suddenly awake and full of new starts and beginnings.  Those wonderful lambs in our fields - we want to cuddle them all - they are living parables and wonderful examples of new life, along with the spring flowers and budding hedgerows.

Easter continues to touch us all, in many different ways, through darkness, pain and death on Good Friday - still there for some - yet onwards to the glory of new life and hope which Easter has opened up for all.

The feast of the Ascension falls on 9th May and should be a reminder that, just like those first disciples, we have the task in our time and situation to “ Go, Make, Teach, “ confident that Jesus will be close.

This is our Year of Pilgrimage which is being launched as part of Evensong at the Cathedral on Sunday 5th May at 3.30 pm. It would be really good if as many as possible could be at this service, to emphasis our faith journey together, and our travelling with Christ. As the year moves on there will be events throughout the diocese which will be advertised and which can be located on the diocesan website. Further information locally is available via our Diocesan Conference Representative, Mrs. Meg Mullock.

Sunday 12th May is Ministry and Calling Sunday, when we are asked to give special consideration to the question of Vocation – “Go – Make – Teach”.

Please remember in your prayers all who serve God in his Church.                                                                                                                                                   


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

April newsletter

From the Vicar                                                                                              Eastertide

Who will roll back the stone?

We can easily fall into the trap of thinking that Easter is already past, and behind us, and if we’re not careful, just let it become a sort of “spiritual day trip”. However, we need to be clear that the resurrection of Jesus is not only about Jesus but also about new life for all.

Joseph Krempa, in his book “Captured Fire”, reminds us of a familiar story of a family who had reserved a room in a resort motel. The room they had booked was large and with many amenities, but when they arrived it was a small room without a view, small and stuffy. The next morning they complained to the manager who asked if they had opened the door inside the room – they admitted they hadn’t. Upon returning to their suite they opened the door, which they had assumed to be a cupboard, and to their surprise discovered a very spacious room, with a wonderful view, beautiful décor and so light and airy. They had missed it – it was a door away – a door they didn’t bother to open.

If we’re not careful we can live like that. Our life here is a small room compared to the magnificent life God has for us – but sadly so many don’t bother to open the door. God rolled back the stone, but we have to open the door!

This whole Easter season and throughout our lives, may we be people of faith, love, and hope, and so show by the way we live, that we believe in the Risen Christ.
